33 Documents
Reference | Version Date | Languages |
1/67 General Structure of the Food and Agriculture Organization | 1967-11-23 | |
2/67 Establishment of a Study Group on Meat and Poultry | 1967-11-23 | |
3/67 Establishment of a Study Group on Wine and Vine Products | 1967-11-23 | |
4/67 Second United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | 1967-11-23 | |
5/67 Nutrition in Agriculture | 1967-11-23 | |
6/67 Food Production Resources | 1967-11-23 | |
7/67 World Food Program | 1967-11-23 | |
8/67 Increasing the Production and Use of Edible Protein | 1967-11-22 | |
9/67 Recommendations of the ad hoc Committee of Experts to Examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies | 1967-11-22 | |
10/67 Appropriations | 1967-11-21 | |
11/67 Publications Revolving Fund | 1967-11-21 | |
12/67 Increase in the Number of Council Seats | 1967-11-15 | |
13/67 Amendment to article V-1 of the constitution relative to alternates attending council sessions | 1967-11-21 | |
14/67 Membership in Program and Finance Committees | 1967-11-21 | |
15/67 Membership of the Committee on Commodity Problems and of the Committee on Fisheries | 1967-11-21 | |
16/67 Attendance of Non-Member Nations of the Organization at Consultations on Individual Commodities | 1967-11-21 | |
17/67 Amendment to Financial Regulations 5.9 and to Basic Texts, Vol.II, Section VII, Entitled "Principles and Procedures which should Govern Conventions and Agreements Concluded under Articles XIV and XV of the Constitution, and Commissions and Committees Established under Article VI of the Constitution | 1967-11-23 | |
18/67 Amendment to Article IV of the Convention Placing the International Poplar Commission within the Framework of FAO | 1967-11-21 | |
19/67 Arrangements with the African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank | 1967-11-21 | |
20/67 African Convention for the Conservation and Management of Wildlife | 1967-11-23 | |
21/67 Sessions of FAO Commissions, Committees and Working Parties and of their Subsidiary Bodies | 1967-11-21 | |
22/67 Organization of Conference Sessions | 1967-11-23 | |
23/67 Procedure for the Appointment of the Director-General | 1967-11-23 | |
24/67 Regular program and freedom from hunger campaign audited accounts for 1964/65 | 1967-11-21 | |
25/67 European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease audited accounts for 1965 and 1966 | 1967-11-21 | |
26/67 United nations development program special fund and technical assistance sectors | 1967-11-21 | |
27/67 World food program audited accounts for 1965 | 1967-11-21 | |
28/67 Scale of Contributions 1968/69 | 1967-11-21 | |
29/67 Reimbursement of Withdrawals from the Working Capital Fund | 1967-11-21 | |
30/67 Arrears of the Hungarian People's Republic | 1967-11-20 | |
31/67 Appointment of the Director-General | 1967-11-23 | |
32/67 Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council | 1967-11-23 | |
33/67 Vote of thanks to Dr. B.R.Sen | 1967-11-22 |