44 Documents
Reference | Version Date | Languages |
1/61 Utilization of food surpluses - World Food Program | 1961-11-24 | |
2/61 Utilization of food surpluses - Withdrawal from Working Capital Fund | 1961-11-24 | |
3/61 Guiding Principles for national agricultural price stabilization and support policies | 1961-11-24 | |
4/61 Agricultural commodity aspects of regional economic integrations | 1961-11-24 | |
5/61 Agricultural trade policies and commodity problems | 1961-11-24 | |
6/61 Africa Survey | 1961-11-24 | |
7/61 Presentation of Program of Work and Budget | 1961-11-24 | |
8/61 The use of pesticides in agriculture | 1961-11-24 | |
9/61 International Locust Commission for the Near East and adjacent countries | 1961-11-24 | |
10/61 Code of principles concerning milk and milk products | 1961-11-24 | |
11/61 Expansion of animal health work in the Near East and in Asia and the Far East | 1961-11-24 | |
12/61 Codex Alimentarius | 1961-11-24 | |
13/61 Establishment of regional food and nutrition commission for Africa | 1961-11-24 | |
14/61 Strengthening of statistical setup in the Near East and Latin-American regions | 1961-11-24 | |
15/61 Establishment of a European Regional Office | 1961-11-24 | |
16/61 Mediterranean Development Project | 1961-11-24 | |
l 7/61 Country representatives | 1961-11-24 | |
18/61 Appropriations | 1961-11-21 | |
19/61 Increase in the membership of the Council | 1961-11-13 | |
20/61 Rotation of Council seats | 1961-11-24 | |
21/61 Composition of delegations to the Conference | 1961-11-13 | |
22/61 Term of office of the Director-General | 1961-11-23 | |
23/61 Term of office of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal matters and methods of convening the Committee | 1961-11-23 | |
24/61 Technical of the Conference | 1961-11-23 | |
25/61 Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the Southwest Atlantic | 1961-11-24 | |
26/61 Constitution of the International Rice Commission | 1961-11-24 | |
27/61 Agreement for the establishment of an Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council | 1961-11-24 | |
28/61 Amendments to the Agreement for the establishment of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (GFCM) | 1961-11-24 | |
29/61 Working Party on Chestnutof the European Forestry Commission (EFC) | 1961-11-24 | |
30/61 Audited accounts for 1958-59 | 1961-11-24 | |
31/61 European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease , Audited accounts for 1960 | 1961-11-24 | |
32/61 Audited account, EPTA 1959 | 1961-11-24 | |
33/61 Audited accounts, EPTA 1960 | 1961-11-24 | |
34/61 Audited accounts, United Nations Special Fund 1960 | 1961-11-24 | |
35/61 Level of Working Capital Fund | 1961-11-24 | |
36/61 Reimbursement of Working Capital Fund | 1961-11-24 | |
37/61 Reimbursement of Working Capital Fund | 1961-11-24 | |
38/61 Revision of salary scales of Professional category and above | 1961-11-24 | |
39/61 Education Grant | 1961-11-24 | |
40/61 Staff Compensation Plan | 1961-11-24 | |
41/61 Staff Assessment Plan and Tax Equalization Fund | 1961-11-24 | |
42/61 Scale Of Contributions 1962-63 | 1961-11-24 | |
43/61 Contributions from Non-Member Nations (Commodity groups and Article XIV bodies) | 1961-11-23 | |
44/61 Publications Revolving Fund | 1961-11-24 |