23 Documents
Reference | Version Date | Languages |
10/1947 Nutrition | 1947-09-11 | |
17/1947 Relations with ICEF | 1947-09-11 | |
11/1948 Nutrition and Food Conservation | 1948-11-29 | |
20/1948 Nutrition | 1948-11-29 | |
32/1948 Regional Work on Nutrition | 1948-11-29 | |
33/1948 Nutrition Course in the Near East | 1948-11-29 | |
34/1948 United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund | 1948-11-29 | |
37/1951 Malnutrition in Times of Disaster | 1951-12-06 | |
35/1953 Protein Deficiency of Mothers and Children | 1953-12-11 | |
4/55 Expansion of Consumption | 1955-11-04 | |
12/57 Nutrition and Food Policy, Including Education in Nutrition and Home Economics | 1957-11-23 | |
22/57 Collaboration with UNICEF - FAO/UNICEF policy committee | 1957-11-23 | |
20/59 Development of Milk Production | 1959-11-20 | |
34/59 Food Consumption Surveys | 1959-11-20 | |
35/59 Methods of Food Processing and Preservation | 1959-11-20 | |
36/59 Training of Personnel in Nutrition and Associated Fields | 1959-11-20 | |
13/61 Establishment of regional food and nutrition commission for Africa | 1961-11-24 | |
5/67 Nutrition in Agriculture | 1967-11-23 | |
8/67 Increasing the Production and Use of Edible Protein | 1967-11-22 | |
2/69 Increasing the Production and Use of Edible Proteins | 1969-11-26 | |
7/71 Increasing the Production and Use of Edible Proteins | 1971-11-22 | |
8/77 Resolution on nutrition | 1977-11-30 | |
6/93 Follow-up of international conference on nutrition | 1993-11-22 |